Friday 24 February 2012

Dealing With REAL Life !

I have had many issues and many problems in the time since last July when I posted my last here   ...  

I now have to go away and deal with LIFE as it has been laid before me   ...  

I really hope to be back, but can make no promises,

Forgive me for not being here   ...   And check back here now and again just in case ! 


Sunday 17 July 2011

Went out for a cup of tea with John yesterday, very pleasant time, These escapes from the four walls are important to me, It's so nice having someone to talk too,

Again a boring day today, I so wish I had a working Amateur Radio Station, there's so much I want to do !

Breasthing problems have been really bad the last few days, making walking more than a few steps impossible,

Friday 15 July 2011

Well folks, not been a lot to write about lately, life is on something of a plateau and I spend my days getting the dressing on my leg changed, It's healing well, but so very slowly ! 

I wish I had a purpose in life, I feel like I exist for the sake of it, all I really want is to be of value, It doesn't help that I'm so bored, never having anything to do, I don't even have a working Amateur Radio Station to keep my Mind Body and Soul busy occassionally,

I guess once again I'm just feeling sorry for myself, I know I shouldn't, but I just want a reason to wake up each day, because right now, I can't think of one !

Saturday 9 July 2011

I'm so bored, stuck here ast home alone with Delta the Dog, missed out on Tea with John as I'm Dog Sitting, she has Seperation Anxiety ! 

Also meant I missed going to District Nurses yesterday, so my dressing didn't get changed, and that means keeping it on for 5 days instead of 2, oh well couldn't be helped ! 

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Club (LRS) last night, it was our  "Quarterly Open Meeting", as usual Apathy Rules, and the membership were as interested and helpful as a "Chocolate Teapot",   

Why do people moan and groan thier not getting what they want, but then refuse to help or join in or be part of any effort made ???

Are people REALLY that stupid !   

Do they NEVER appreciate the efforts others make for them ?  

Moan over,

Had a quiet and reflective day today, It's too hot, I'm uncomfortable, Don't feel like doing anything, 

Saturday 2 July 2011

Went for Coffee with John this afternoon, pleasent way to waste 90 minutes anyway, catching up with the gossip LOL !

Not really a lot to say, Lifes a bit dull at the moment, trying to find something to keep my brain ticking over    ....    If thats at all possible !   

Friday 1 July 2011

District Nurse again today, the leg is coming along in leaps and bounds, daily improvement seems the "NORM" now, so before too long this will all be over   ....   I hope !  

Really really bad headache today, it's the heat and sunshine, just too much for me, Bring on the Snow LOL !